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Thread: Tying at a show for the first time

  1. #1

    Default Tying at a show for the first time

    I will be tying at a show for the first time in about two weeks. Needless to say, I am a bit nervous but fortunately I'm going to be sharing a table with an experienced tier who is my mentor and friend so I hope this eases my nerves.

    Do you have any recommendations, do's, don't do's I should keep in mind?

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    Pick a fly t tie each day. Be sure to talk to the folks that set down to watch you.
    Think about small bags to put the flies in for folks if you give them away.
    Mainly, HAVE FUN.


  3. #3


    I always bring things to tie 4 to 5 flies (ok, plus some extra stuff that comes in handy), all materials for one fly in a separate Ziplock to avoid having to go through all my stuff looking for a material. Also, I only tie flies that I'm 100% comfortable tying. And that is the result of a lot of hours behind the vise. I found that many people are just as interested in the why as in the what. So I try to explain what I do as well as why I do certain things in a certain way. So I try to make every thread wrap count and everything I do is for a reason. I'm quite serious about that. Finally: I have fun. I hope to show that my favorite hobby is a fun thing to do. Serious fun

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Dublin, NH


    Where are you tying?

  5. #5


    Martin and Rick --> Thanks for the tips, I'm looking forward to the show.

    Mike --> Arts of Angling Show in Danbury, CT. I'm going to be there Sunday, November 1st.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia



    It might be good to have some finished flies on display, especially the ones you're planning on tying; gives the folks an idea of where you're headed. Martin's suggestion to have all the materials pre-sorted/packaged is great; you won't have to fish around for a spool of this or bag of that in front of an audience. Have fun; wish I could come and watch you tie.

    Just a tourist passing through

    SBS Index updated 2/21/18

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Northern California


    My approach typically involves developing what I call "show ties". These may or may not be patterns that I actually fish, but they are all eye-catching in one way or another. Might be because they have a lot of flash, might be because they are unlike other patterns around, might be because they show off a little-used technique. Sometimes it is just a combination of all three. As a demo tier, you are putting on a show so come up with something you think will grab people's attention, and be sure to focus on patterns that are large enough so passerbys and those who stop can actually see what you are tying.

    While I know I should be more organized, I tend to bring a lot of junk to the shows, but a few pieces of equipment I would not be without would be a good lamp (portable Ottlite in my case, count on bad lighting), an extension cord (odd how the power is never near by), a surge protector (so you can share with the other tiers who did not bring an extension cord), and a magnifying glass (if tying smallish patterns). Usually nice to have a few ties on display (wire clips or block of foam works) to grab folks attention, and empty film cases or the like are handy if giving flies away.

    Would not worry too much about the stage fright. Just like sitting around tying with a group of friends. One caveat: an advantage of being organized and not having stuff strewn all over the place is you have to be somewhat careful because stuff does walk away at shows, now and then, no matter the venue, so be a little careful, and have fun.
    Last edited by whatfly; 10-22-2015 at 10:50 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Golden, Co. USA


    Is this going up on the "big screen"? If so, don't wear a white shirt...

  9. #9


    I wanted to thank everyone for the advice and kind words. Chewydog, I had forgotten about the shirt color. I wont be on the "big screen" but I will be wearing a neutral colored shirt.

    I have 3-4 fly displays that I plan to bring with me. I have decided to bring materials for three flies I'm very comfortable tying. I have posted photos of these flies in the past, but here they are:

    In all cases, I plan to bring the wings pre-made to save time, but will have the feathers at hand in case someone wants to see the whole process. This show is the final presentation of a year-long apprenticeship done through the NH Council for the Arts. This is why the patterns I am tying are not what most people would consider fishing flies. I wanted to learn to tie the older lake flies and featherwing streamers in order to preserve the artform.

    Thanks again,


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Carlisle, Kentucky, USA


    What's the name of the streamer?

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