After reading the 'spider' string below, I thought I would give some sources of good info on Spiders -
One of the best is Hans Weilenmann's site- [url=][/url:b07f1]

He gives a good step-by-step tying of a softhackle as well as a lot of patterns.
Another good source are the back numbers of the 'Fly Fishing & Fly Tying' magazine whose site is [url=][/url:b07f1]

On the main page on the right side you'll see 'Back numbers'.
The issues you want are nov/dec 2000 for 60 patterns (this is one issue), this is a terrific collection of traditional patterns.
The four issues for Apr,May,June and July/Aug 2001 have a series of articles by Oliver Edwards on Spiders. There are some excellent tips on tying and fishing spiders.
The magazines cost 3.90 BPounds each, that includes postage.
Hope this is useful.


[This message has been edited by Donald Nicolson (edited 13 February 2005).]