I had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with Vince many years ago in the twilight of his life and getting him to inscribe my copies of both "Ring of the Rise" and "Modern Dry Fly Code". He was a fascinating man, especially to an awestruck kid.

When I made my first trip to the Letort many years prior to that meeting, I was in awe after reading those two books. Some of Vince's and Charlie Fox's "screens" were still standing along the banks in Fox's Meadow. These screens were what they hid behind to observe the trout and take some of the photos that adorn the pages of both books.

In those days names like Marinaro, Fox, Harvey, Schweibert and the rest were our fishing heroes, bigger than life, bigger than Hollywood stars; the stuff dreams were made of. Sadly today, many younger fly fishers never heard of some of these pioneers of the sport or worse yet, don't care. It's like idolizing Barry Bonds without knowing who Babe Ruth was. You just don't know what you're missing!


I am sure the Pennsylvania Fly Fishing Museum would be interested in copies of those tapes. Through the generosity of the Marinaro family they have most of Vince's personal fishing belongings. Those tapes would be a wonderful addition.

If the link doesn't work the PFFMA phone number is: 717-541-0622.