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Thread: Thanks Ray!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Tomball, TX USA

    Default Thanks Ray!!!

    I just wanted to publicly thank Ray (and his partner "Rich", dont know if he is a FAOL Member) for hosting my wife and I (and several others) to a free beginners casting class up in Granby, CT (Northern part of the state)... we both learned more in a 2 hour session from Ray and Rich than we could have ever learned watching videos or reading books... I feel confident enough to go out and wet a line and not look like a total idiot now

    We also had the pleasure of having dinner with Ray and his wife, we had a great time and shared some great stories!


    Colt45/Josh & Wife...

    NY-Long Island

  2. #2


    Rick IS an FAOL member as well, known as RC or idoc in the Chatroom.

    Really proud of both Ray and Rich for starting this class...a wonderful example of paying it forward!

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Lebanon, Connecticut


    I was at the clinic that Ray and Rich hosted and would like to add my thanks for a job well done. I attended the afternoon class and was shown the "easy" way to cast. What a difference when you let the rod do the work!
    We managed to shoot round of skeet between sessions, they're pretty good at that too.
    Thanks for giving us your time.

    Colt, I wish that I knew your FAOL name this morning. It's nice to put a face on all the names that I see on the BB and in the Hut


  4. #4


    "Paying Forward", is sometimes more enjoyable, than catching that special fish or going on that special trip. "Paying Forward" is investing in someone else, so they can enjoy, what you do, by sharing of your time, knowledge, and zeal for Fly Fishing.

    To all who contribute, to helping the future Fly Anglers, Thank You!

    ~ Parnelli

    "Better to Give, than Receive!"

    [This message has been edited by Steven H. McGarthwaite (edited 19 March 2005).]

  5. #5


    It was our pleasure guys. Now remember to practice!!
    Ray & Rich
    Connecticut Casting Clinic
    The man who coined the phrase "Money can't buy happiness", never bought himself a good fly rod!

  6. #6


    I couldn?t have said it better myself. I did not know what to expect going into the afternoon session. I knew from Ray?s posts and his feedback in the chat room, that he was quite knowledgeable and that I would learn from the session, but I had no idea just how much I would learn. Ray and Rich not only have the knowledge and skills, but have a comfortable teaching manor. I know I felt very comfortable learning from them and I think I can speak for the others on that.

    As I told ray in the chat last night, the learning was priceless and the fact they didn?t even charge for it was unbelievable. It seems in these days everyone is out to make a buck and here we were able to take a class of that caliber and it was hosted for the love of fly fishing and helping others. Made me reflect on how special the people in this sport are. Think anyone would give you baseball or basketball lessons for free? I don?t.

    Thanks again to Ray and Rich, you guys are the best!


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