I am in agreement that you should retain self-control financially. The ability to ward off sudden impulse purchases is hard for any of us. This is different tho. First, the medical can be put on payment plan of your choice. Second, this is an item you've looked at and wanted for some time and not an impulse purchase. I'm for buying the rod, enjoying the hell out of it this summer, and not looking back on this chance in the future and kick yourself. I remember a few times I've put off a purchase, decided to go ahead like I should of in the first place, then found I'd missed the opportunity.

As for bills being paid, the only reason the wife and I are comfortable in retirement with only S.S. and a pension is because everything on our lot is paid for. If I still had to be making payments on house, cars or truck or boats, we would not be so comfortable, so my advice to do it does not come from an impulse buyer but one who knows what it is to pass up a chance and regret later.