Weekly Fraser Valley Sport fishing column; Feb 9 to 16, 2015

Pick up form last week, we find that in contrast to the Puritans, who were wielding their, ?Fun Is Sin,? doctrine over many of the early colonists: the Spanish of the South West, most Catholic, the Dutch of New York, mostly Reformist, and The Quakers of Pennsylvania; seemed to hold partly to admonitions of Dame Juliana and her Treatise of Fishing published in 1496.

?For when you prepare to go on your sport in fishing, you will not desire greatly many persons with you, which might hinder letting you at your game. Then you can serve God devoutly by earnestly saying your customary prayers. And thus doing, you will eschew and avoid many vices, such as idleness, which is the cause to induce man to many other vices??

As mentioned the Spanish did not hold with the Puritan view, and offer us the first account, I have found, of cutthroat fishing. In 1542 Pedro De Castaneda De Najero, in the company of Francisco Vazquer De Coronado, documented finding great trout fishing, Sangre De Cristo Mountains of New Mexico. The Cutthroat of the west were noted by the Spanish in 1776. This time by two Franciscan Priest looking for an overland route for California, in region of Utah Lake and the upper Provo River.

The Dutch of New York and the Quakers of Pennsylvanian, during the 1700?s, took to the sport fishing of the new world with zeal, forming many sport fishing clubs, forging the first North American sport fishing magazines, and their own tackle factories and shops.

Bass also made their appearance during this period; as recorded by William Bartram, a naturalist who studied the American Southeast. In the following account Bartram watches Native Indians (likely Seminole or Cherokee) fishing for Bass in the 1760?s.

?Two people are in a canoe, one sitting in the stern to steer, and the other near the bow, having a rod ten or twelve feet in length, to one end of which is tied a strong line, about twenty inches in length, to which is fastened three large hooks, back to back. These are fixed securely, and covered with white hair of a dear?s tail, sheds of a red garter, and some particoloured feathers all which form a tuft, or tassel, nearly as large as one?s fist, and entirely cover and conceal the hooks; this is called a bob? he now ingeniously swings the bob backwards and forwards, just above the surface, sometimes tips the water with it;?

More next week.

The Report

Fishing on our lower mainland lakes is good. Try: Bloodworm, Chironomid, Wooly Bugger, Leach, Dragon nymph, Halfback, or Baggy Shrimp.

The Fraser River is fair to good for cutthroat and dolly varden. For cutthroat try: Rolled Muddler, Flesh Fly, Anderson Stone, Eggo, Chez Nymph, Big Black, black Stonefly Nymph, or Micro Leach.

The Vedder River is good for steelhead. Try GP, Squamish Poacher, Polar Shrimp, Popsicle, Big black, Flat Black, Eggo, or black Stonefly Nymph.

The Harrison River is good for rainbow, and cutthroat. For rainbow try: Rolled Muddler, Zulu, Eggo, Chez Nymph, Big Black, Black Stone Nymph, Micro Leach.