Vintage hellgramite pattern from Jim Poor, a Denver area fixture back in the day. Buggers work as well as anything where those creepy-looking bugs are but if you want to tie up something a bit different, these are pretty simple, and cool-looking to boot. Again, thanks to Larry Jurgens for highlighting this one - http://lojsflytyingbugstuff.blogspot...range_515.html

hook - TMC 5623 #4
underbody - non-tox wire
thread - UTC 140 black
tail/abdomen - moose body
thorax - chenille tan (top colored with black marker for shellback)
hackle - brown-dyed grizzly

Part 1

wrap thorax with non-tox, brush with Super Glue; cover with thread

clean, stack, measure (abdomen) a clump of moose body; tie in, allow it to circle around the shank, then anchor with firm wraps

spiral wrap up to thorax, then back

divide tail with thread, post each side, then return to thorax