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Thread: SO HOW DO YOU GET OUT OF A MESS LIKE THIS - Readers cast (Dick Taylor) - Sep 08, 2014

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Bothell, WA, USA
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    Default SO HOW DO YOU GET OUT OF A MESS LIKE THIS - Readers cast (Dick Taylor) - Sep 08, 2014


    How many times have you decided to take a solitary fishing trip somewhere up on a mountain stream that has few other visitors? If the answer is many times then we are in the same boat when it comes to desiring a little occasional alone time out and about.

    I packed light for this excursion, as the estimated time for the trip would be no longer then let us say eight hours or thereabouts. I just needed my wading boots for this trip, as the stream in question is not more then maybe fifteen feet across on the average. In addition, it is no deeper than a couple of feet except for some of the nicer pools and runs. I decided that nothing more except one of my lightweight trout shirts and pants were required for this day trip

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Virginia Piedmont


    If this was a recent fall, I hope you recover quickly. If this happened some time ago, I trust it has caused you to be more careful since then. I think about the possibility of events like what you described while I am out on similar streams all by myself.

    Thanks for taking the time to tell the story.
    And wherever the river goes, every living creature that swarms will live, and there will be very many fish. Ezekiel 47:9

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    I also hope you are doing well.
    I applaud your ability to crawl at quarter of a mile.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    southwest Virginia


    Waskeyc & Rick,

    Sorry to mislead anyone but the whole story was 100% made up except for a location I love to fish. Wondered what I would have done if I did take a bad fall way back in the mountains so that was the inspiration for this story. However, I have had an occasion to take a fall about 12 years ago that incapacitated me for three months out of work and some rehab. I was simply walking along the edge of a level stream bed and wearing non-felt boots when my right foot went totally backwards on a small slick rock and I landed on my right knee, hands and the side of my face. Next morn at 3:00 am I awoke to a triple sized knee and couldn't stand nor straighten out my leg. Ended up having experimental, at the time, surgery called "micro fracturing." Ended up regaining total and totally pain free use of the knee. It was originally caused by a long ago football injury that was never operated on way back in the late 50's. Sorry if it was misleading

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