
I think we're talking about 2 different things. I was referring to an offense being taken because a newcomer broke some unwritten rule of this forum and then calling them out publicly for it. My very first post (and I've probably been around here about as long as you have, Warren) was to sell a few things and I stuck around as a result. If someone had found it necessary to put me in my place because of it, I probably would not have.

The point you seem to be making is that first time posters wanting to sell something may be out to take our money. That might be true, but caveat emptor, Warren. Whether or not I buy from him or her, I'll choose to give a newcomer the benefit of the doubt. I've bought and sold many, many things on this board without incident. And, if I do have a bad experience, I assure you I will not "come here and complain" as you lecture. I regret that it took you 3 times to conclude it may not be good practice to buy from a first time poster, but you have some responsibility for that.