Quote Originally Posted by Byron haugh View Post
Yrs, a wet fly, but, a winged wet? LOL
You'd be surprised at how well a Pale Evening Dun/Little Marryat works during a sulfur hatch/spinner fall. Put floatant on it, add a soft hackle 18 inches below, cast upstream. It lies flat on the water, like a dead spinner and makes a great striking indicator. If it gets down stream unmolested, give it small tug to sink it, feed it some slack, and let it continue down. It's by far my most productive tactic on spring creeks when the sulfurs are on.

It works in the west when the PMDs are on the water, too. My biggest fish ever from Henry's Fork took a winged wet, and I once had a 30 fish evening on the Gallatin using the technique described above. (My biggest ever from that stream took a leadwing coachman, cast straight upstream, but that was over caddis flies.)

This generally only works in the match-the-hatch conditions, though. It's not a good technique to fish the water blind.