Kind of Rogue-like; changed the front end around a bit.

hook - Dai Riki 280 #6
thread - UTC 140 tan
body - 2mm foam tan
underside - Furry Foam (adhesive backed) yellow
binder strip - 2mm x 2mm foam
wing - deer hair
mid-wing - Congo Hair tan
legs - medium rubber brown
indicator - foam orange

Part 1

insert needle in vise, then foam on the needle; start thread

fold foam forward; 2 soft loops (so the foam isn't cut), pull tight and create first segment

lay furry foam strip on one side and tie in

pull foam back, wrap thread forward, then create next segment; repeat, tie off, trim thread, trim tag end of Furry Foam (not shown)

slide body off needle, poke a hole in it and slide on (debarbed) hook