A sideways sandwich Rogue Body and foam head (a bit more durable than ungulate bulletheads).

hook - Dai Riki 280 #8
thread - UTC 140 tan
body - 2mm foam outside layer, 1mm inside (colors of your choice); you could use 2mm for both for a fatter body
binder strip - foam
underwing - Krystal Flash rootbeer
wing - deer hair
legs - medium rubber brown
head - dubbing/2mm foam
indicator - 1mm foam orange

Part 1

insert needle in vise, then 2 foam strips (gap width) on the needle

start thread on the needle

fold foam forward; 2 soft loops (so the foam isn't cut), pull tight and create first segment

pull foam back, move thread forward on needle

create next segment; repeat, tie off, SHHAN the wraps

slide off the needle, then insert (debarbed) hook point through last segment