I've seen it tied with a Krystal Flash tail but like it better without; your choice. Lots of color permutations; again, your choice.

hook - TMC 5212 #8
thread - UTC 140 hopper yellow
overbody/head - 2mm foam tan
body - 2mm foam yellow
body hackle - brown (undersize by 2)
rib - tying thread
legs - medium rubber white/black
wing - deer hair
front hackle - grizzly

Part 1

mash barb, attach thread at 70% mark and wrap back to point above barb

taper foam strip (gap width), tie in (brush a little Super Glue, smooth with thread wraps); tie in body strip (1/2 gap width)

brush a little more Super Glue, wrap body; tie off, trim, smooth with thread wraps

tie in hackle, spiral thread back to bend