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Thread: Fish'n shades, whats your thoughts.

  1. #1

    Default Fish'n shades, whats your thoughts.

    I'm think'n about buy'n a good pair of sunglasses, for fish'n & everyday wear, the only polarized glasses I've tried were the cheapo wally world shades for a few bucks & I guess they were as good as one could expect, or not so good depending, they seemed to distort things a bit & gave me a head ache after a while, so now I'm curious about a better quality pair.

    Ok gents, school me, quality VS bang for the buck & what youve learned.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    20 minutes from the Great Smoky Mountains N.P. and lots of cool water fishing.


    Well now, I don't know about the rest, but the cheapo's that have distortion also give me a headache. In fact, any eye protection that has the least amount of distortion would give me a headache after about 20 minutes. Before I wore glasses I would spend days looking for a pair of SG that did not have distortion.

    Now that I wear glasses full time, bi-focals so I can see to read , I went to the wear overs. Have 2 pair, one for fishing and semi-bright in brown and the other for full sun in black. Pick them up in Walgreen's for about $25 and can wear them all day fishing, playing golf, driving, whatever.

    If you wear glasses, check out the wear overs.
    Live every day as if it were your last.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    Since I also wear glasses, I use fit overs for fishing, but I have polarized trifocals for driving or walking around outside on sunny days. For fishing I have amber lenses as they seem to work better in a wider variety of lighting/conditions. Smith Optics seems to have a pretty good reputation and you can find some pretty good deals at SierraTradingPost.com


    Jim Smith

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Woodland, CA USA


    I wear prescription sunglasses. My vision ins. makes me pay $25 for the tinting. I make sure that I buy frames with polarized lenses (bolle, etc) and ask to keep the lenses. that way, when I have to buy new frames I have the polarized lenses put into the old frames, and then I have a new pair of Polarized every two years when I get new frames.
    ‎"Trust, but verify" - Russian Proverb, as used by Ronald Reagan

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2000


    After using a number of high end glasses, including Smith Action Optics and Oakley, my current favorite glasses and very good bang for buck are Habervision glasses. I prefer the "Nice" frame style and their copper rose photochromatic adjusting lenses are the best all around sunglasses I have used. Habervision does direct sales through their website and you can often get even a better deal with an affinity code that can be found on other websites that Habervision sponsors through advertising. Their various models range from about $80-$120 and they sometimes have specials that you learn about if you subscribe to their email list.

    At a lower price (about $50-$80) point I like Guideline glasses for value and at even lower prices ($15-$35) Guideline's Fisherman's Eyewear brand.

    I have got some smoking deals for Smith Action Optics glasses on Sierra Tradingpost before too.

    I currently have about 15 pairs of sunglasses including glasses from the above noted brands along with some others, including 3 pairs of Action Optics and two pairs of HAbervision. The Habervision with copper/rose lenses are on my head 90% of the time. My second favorite are the Action Optics with photochromatic copper lenses. The others are backups or glasses that are used in certain lighting conditions. I keep a backup in each of my vehicles and in each of my tackle bags. The backups have often been loaned out to a fishing partner who has forgot, lost, or broken their glasses.

  6. #6


    I use two pair of polarized sunglasses for fishing.

    One pair is for bright conditions and the other is for low light conditions.
    I fish 99% of the time over rocky stream beds. Copper or amber colored sunglasses seem best for this.
    When the light is low, copper or amber may be a little dark, so I use a yellow colored lens.

    I wear Costas. Both are Zane frames...I have a big noggin. One has the green mirror (copper/amber colored) 580G lenses and the other pair has the Sunrise (yellow) 580P lenses.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    cheyenne OK


    I guess I've just been lucky in that the cheap sunglasses from Wally World fit me fine and have never had a headache problem with "better of the cheaper" if that makes sense. I will check the Habervision tailingloop and give them consideration. I have held off on buying anything of cost because losing them is something I used to do a lot of. Now that I've had the same couple of dark and amber glasses for several years maybe I chance a better quality lense. I do know that the way I flycast I make darn sure I always have glasses on for safety. Being a member of the "Wise Owl Club" (legitimate and have a plaque) who saved an eye with a shattered but intact safety glasses, I take it serious.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Lafayette, Tennessee


    BR-549 I've been thinking of the exact same thing. Welcome to the board by the way.

    "If we lie to the government, it's called a felony, when they lie to us, it's called politics." Bill Murray

  9. #9


    Thanks for the input & the welcome also, really like'n this place, Jack "wild man" Hise turned me onto it a while back, lots of good stuff on FAOL.

    The local fish'n/hunt'n store carries teh Coats line, but I dont think I could drop that kind of cash for a pair, if they actualy worked that much better than a cheaper pair it might make the price doable, I dont have a problem spending money on quality but do have a problem spending hard earned cash for anything that dont perform as it should.

    Maybe I'll make a pest of myself at the local trout waters & harrass fisherman untill they let me try out their galsses, at least I'll have an idea of what works & what dont, Jack may have to come & post my bail tho.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Lafayette, Tennessee


    Quote Originally Posted by BR-549 View Post
    if they actualy worked that much better than a cheaper pair it might make the price doable, I dont have a problem spending money on quality but do have a problem spending hard earned cash for anything that dont perform as it should.
    That's my thoughts exactly!

    I made my first fly fishing trip with Jack a few years ago on the Duck. That's a heckuva tale, and I think I can still go to the exact spot where I caught my first bow on a fly. I have often thought about that trip, I caught that rainbow for a few minutes, and it caught me for life. Jack was standing on the bank watching, with a little smile on his face. I'm not sure which one of us was enjoying ourselves the most.

    Come to think of it, that rainbow has cost me a small fortune! lol

    "If we lie to the government, it's called a felony, when they lie to us, it's called politics." Bill Murray

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