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Thread: As we age

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Coeur d'Alene, ID

    Smile As we age

    Several recent threads/post have addressed some of the problems with "Aging". Some can no longer wade but they have found alternative way to keep Fly Fishing. Shoulder surgeries and hip replacements were unheard of not so many years ago! Now they allow us to continue enjoying the sport. I recently had to have the inside of my right eye repaired (it was coming apart)!
    Thank God I had a flat screen TV that I could lay on the floor and lots of books to read so I could keep my head down for 7 - 10 days! This Tuesday I go for Cataract surgery, a side effect of the repair job.
    This got me thinking about what would be the greatest loss as we age. I may not be able to wade but I can still fish from a boat and tie flies. The shoulder may curtail my fly fishing but I can still read and hopefully tie flies. The loss on my eye sight means I can do none of the above, not even visit here! But because I still had my hearing I would still be able to hang out with my friends and tell great lies.

  2. #2


    Enjoy the moment.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Damascus,Maryland USA


    Hi Jack,
    so sorry to hear of your vision problems but you are not alone. My vision problems started about three years ago with a rare form of macular degeneration. I had to retire from my profession which in itself almost killed me. During that first year I was treated with cold lazer surgery in my left eye along with steroid injections into both eyeballs once or twice monthly to seal off the small blood vessels that were bleeding into the macular fluid. I totally lost vision in my right eye and my specialists (3) performed a surgery on my right eye where they made three incisions in the eyeball, drained the macular fluid because of the blood and replaced it with sterile saline. My vision has been restored, a miracle that would not have been possible five years ago. My vision will never be what it was before but I can see with my new glasses. My husband bought me a Nook which enabled me to continue reading because it is backlit and I can adjust the size and boldness of the text. You cannot imagine the joy I had when I, with my new glasses, was able to tie a fly! It has taken three years and a lot of treatment plus three surgeries to bring me to this point. I have a new boo rod and the wonderful braided leaders from you and this season I will fish the local pond. God willing, I am looking forward to walking the woods and streams again when we visit our cabin in WVa. Keep the faith!

  4. #4


    I'm 48 & can tell my eyes aint what they used to be, they always told me looking at pretty women would make me go blind, but some things are meant to be enjoyed, but since buying this "puter" I've learned to type somewhat & can do a good bit without looking at the keys & figured it could be mastered enuff to get by if my eys were to go.

    Then again if had paid more attention in english class & kept my eyes on my own paper instead of what was sitting next to me I might be smarter & could see better, go figure.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    North Georgia


    Hi Jack, sorry to hear about your eye problems. I agree that sight would be my worst loss. The Medical proffession can do great things these days.
    I'm wishing you the best with your surgery. Hang in there!

  6. #6



    Sorry to hear about your eye. I'm in need of cataract surgery myself. Contact Mikey who has been through the surgery. I'm including you in my prayers for a speedy recovery. I hear most people return to normal that same day with some limitations mainly the prevention of eye strains.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Western Washington
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    We are like a good vintage of wine, we get better with age until we turn to vinegar.

    Larry ---sagefisher---

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Kapaa, hawaii
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    I'm almost 69. I can cast and fish better than any time before. Not sure how long it will last, but gotta enjoy it while you can....

  9. #9


    Aches and pains, as well as other health issues are challenges to work thru for sure, but we gotta keep on keeping on, otherwise, sitting in a chair all day would suck IMO. Sorry to hear about the sight issues, but keep on keeping on.

  10. #10


    My father always said, "Boy, getting old ain't for sissie's". He was right. Smile and keep going, until the rides over.


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