Warren that is very close to part of a sermon I heard the year I turned 40. The preacher said he had experienced a mid-life crisis on the basketball court, his mind was saying go, go, go, his body was saying NO, NO, NO! I guess it was a pretty good sermon, I still remember a good bit of it 28 years later. He said he thought Moses had 3 midlife crisis, when he was 40 he killed the Egyptian and had to flee for his life, when he was 80 he lead the exodus and then he got upset with the Israelites and struck the rock, when God told him to speak to it.

My friend who was a member of the church where I was visiting introduced me to the preacher after the service was over. I told him how I appreciated the sermon, I was having trouble with a supervisor at work, but I was going to follow Moses' example and kill my supervisor. My friend rolled with laughter, the preacher start, No, that's not what I meant.