Sorta/kinda like Clarence Robert's Yellow Drake; tied here as a March Brown, so it's not really a drake (part of the reason it's a variation). A number of flies attributed to the Michigan tying community (fertile ground, yes?) utilize this style of body. Original called for pheasant tail fibers for the tail and white deer hair for the wing; I subbed moose for the tail for a bit more durability, and Congo Hair for the post to retain my sanity (the few attempts I made with the deer were quickly razor bladed off the hook).

hook - TMC 5212 #12
thread - Uni 6/0 camel
tail - moose mane
body - deer hair
wing - Congo Hair
hackle - grizzly dyed brown (oversize by 1)

Part 1

mash barb, start thread at 70% mark (reference point for wing); wrap back to point above barb

clean, stack, measure (hook shank) some moose mane; tie in, trim butts and smooth with thread

invert hook, tie in a hank of Congo Hair on the underside (optional; you can tie it in on top, just experimenting here)

un-invert hook, pull CH up and post it; a little Super Glue at the base helps lock it in place

tie in hackle, shiny side facing out