just a few years ago, I have certainly become dependent on the internet! Didn't realize how much so till AT&T Kansas City had problems and basically shut down everything within 30 miles of the trouble point (depending on how the wind blew!), and didn't say anything to its customers. Spent a combined 3 hours with tech people, reconfiguring the computer, all to no avail, only to have a third tech tell me about the service problem. One of the on line techs actually used a radio controlled service to reconfigure my computer/modem from San Diego! Changed everything, then said there was no fix for it, and to take it to a service center. Third one apparently was the charm. Left everything alone till this morning, and lo and behold, it's working! Kansas City is back up and running! Except for me .... no one bothered to say they dumped ALL my sites and passwords! Trying to remember everything, and who and where. A younger brain may have had better results. (FAOL was remembered, partly due to the "goofy" password JC gave me.)
Sooooo ... slowly but surely, this will all be rebuilt! Lesson learned. As I remember, or if I remember, the passwords, and user names, I am writing them down! "Next time" I will be prepared.