Sometime about 12 or 14 years ago I found FAOL. To me it was like sitting down in the great room of a lodge with a large fireplace on one end and overstuffed couches and chairs to relax in. A friendly place where one could ask questions and get answers. A person could meet people from all over the world and learn from them. Now the room feels harshly lit with tile floors covered with cold glass and metal display cases to allow some to show off their knowledge and expertise.

Hundreds of people would post to the BB but now it seems to be dominated by a few dozen, if that. I stopped visiting here regularly about a year ago because of the perceived changes I felt at FAOL. Again I have those same feelings. This is strictly my personal view, likely not held by many but because of these changes I feel no need to contirbute any more. I will still lurk to pick up the few crumbs of worthwhile information that are available from time to time.

There will be some that will criticize me for this decision of no longer wishing to participate because my views are different from theirs or others. This is not the case. I have come to realize I no longer have anything of value to contribute and I have merely become an annoyance to those that do.