Basically Chuck Stranahan's skwala; sits low to the water, like the real thing. Swapped out the white calftail overwing (tends to get lost in the stream foam) for something with a little more contrast.

hook - TMC 5212 #8
thread - UTC 140 hopper yellow
tail - deer hair black
rib - flat-wax yellow
body - dubbing olivish brown
indicator - Congo Hair pink
hackle - grizzly olive
wing/head - deer hair dark brown

Part 1

mash down barb and attach thread at head (gap width)

clean, stack and measure (hook length + gap) a clump of deer hair; trim to length

two soft loops right behind the hook eye; pull firmly and let it spin

trim butts short, overwrap with thread back to point above barb

clean, stack and measure (gap length) a clump of deer hair (moose body doesn't compress too much and on smaller flies like this, want to keep the body slimmer); overwrap with thread and tie in rib