I have read from several "Experts" that fly color doesen't matter. If so I am wasting a bunch of time and money on stuff I'm tying flies with. Think about it! if color doesen't matter would our flies all be a boring dull grey? Would the beautiful traditional flies exist? I know a lot of great tyers who go to a lot of pains to get that bug they are tying just the right shade and that has been the traditon since Dame Juliania wrote her Treatisie. For myself, I really enjoy creating flies that imitate the size, shape and COLOR of Insects. I think color does matter. At least It gives me confidence in the thing on the end of my leader if it looks like the real thing. I believe that confidence in the fly that you are using is one of the greatest tools we use to catch fish And mine are going to match the size, shape and color as best as I can make it. What do you think?