As to cabelas,I have heard rumors of one coming mid state NC and I hope it does not.I can buy from them online with free shipping and no sales tax,if one moves to NC then if you buy online then you will be charged sales tax.

I guess I am looking at the selling end more than buying end for one reason and please look at it in my shoes.
As I stated in a topic a few months ago,I have had a heart problem for 18 years,walls are thickening and I was on toprol to slow my heart rate so the walls would shrink or stop closing more.Then in Dec I went in to the hospital for non sleep and found I had afib.I have gone in for nuclear stress test and found no blockages but my output flow was 46% verses 50% normal which wasn't much difference.I then began thinking about all the extras I had bought up just because of a "deal"or excess money and thought ,I don't need this stuff and if I died!what would and how would the wife know how to sell it all and cost.So I am going to sell off some conventonial tackle and lighten the load and hold onto my dough!