You may want to check out the CCS numbers on that blank ( [url=http://www.superbob.org/CC_Data.htm:2cf1f]http://www.superbob.org/CC_Data.htm[/url:2cf1f] - click on the Blanks tab at the bottom left) and build it before you purchase a line. There are two different FRSlll 7012 blanks in the CCS Data Site and both have ERNs around 3. One is 2.97 and the other 3.12. I've read other comments about that blank that basically say it is definitely not a 1 wt, and if it's going to be fished at short < 30' distances it definitely needs a 3 wt line.
You may want to check with Dan to see if it's too late to swap it out for the 6'10" 3 pc. 1 wt which has an ERN in the low 1s.

[This message has been edited by mrp116 (edited 06 January 2006).]