You have not told us if you are a beginner tyer or if you just want reference books. Many years ago, I had a major surgery that grounded me for eight weeks. Knowing I would be housebound, I bought videos by Skip Morris...Flytying Made Clear and Simple, Dave Whitlock series and the entire A.K. Best series which was about 8 or 9 videos. Stuff is now available on CDs or DVDs. I liked the actual tying sbs because I was able to stop and replay sections as they were being demonstrated correctly by master tyers. I also have numerous books which I can refer to if I need to review a new technique. Please don't overlook the book by Charlie Craven. As my skills have improved and increased I have continued my video/dvd collection and acquired additional ones such as Oliver Edwards on nymphs & nymphing, Barry Reynolds, Brad Befus on flyroding for carp. There are numerous dvds available and I consider them to be the best learning tools for me as I am a very visual learner. Hope this helps with your decision.