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Thread: I was hospitalized over the weekend!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default I was hospitalized over the weekend!

    From my Facebook page:

    "Well what a week for me. Went to work Thursday and by later that evening I was in the Hospital at Sunbury fighting for my life! I was not feeling the best when I left for work in the wee hours of Thursday morning, almost turned around to come home, but continued on to work. Started feeling better until noon when I started getting sick really fast! Thought it was the sub I ate at lunch but it would turn out to be much more.

    I got the diarrhea really bad at work. Really getting very ill fast now so the boss sent me home early. Work and home are 45 miles apart but my doctor is halfway in between the two so Amy calls the doctor for me. Doc tells me to come right in and I did make it to their parking lot but no further. Soon as I opened the car door I began to violently vomit. I got the heaves to let up so I just drove home. I got home and had it coming out both ends at the same time in large amounts. When I finally got out of the bathroom I was sitting on the couch with nothing on, wrapped up in old sheets, violently retching into a garbage can.

    Amy kept wanting to call the EMS but I refused. I don't remember much about that but she said my answers to her questions were not making any sense. I was delirious. I remember begging the Lord for help then I heard this loud, deep, commanding voice tell me to let her call 9-1-1, let her call them. Good thing she did too. During the ambulance ride to Sunbury the retching and runs stopped because my body had flat run out of fluid. My heart rate soared, BP dropped and kidneys shut down! They maxed out my oxygen and went full lights and sirens to the hospital. I won't ever argue with Amy again if she thinks I need the Hospital!

    Renal failure really ain't no fun folks! The ER put me on the rapid infuse which I stayed on for several hours or so it seemed. I think that was at about 6pm Thursday. My memory is kind of sketchy. Like I was moving in and out of a fog but I remember being hot, then the ER nurse wrapped me in wet towels also asking for ice chips and being denied until my labs came back. I remember talking to Amy and Gary then being put in my room. I was told that between the time I hit the ER and my room no less than 5 bags of fluids had been forced into me. Early Friday morning during my little bit of sleep my body let go another bout of the runs. I woke up in the middle of a mess. The nurses helped me get cleaned up, showered while the custodians cleaned my bed.

    All day Friday literally every 10-15 minutes it was run to the toilet. So much fluid being passed that way that I could even pee. Additional labs came back negative Friday afternoon. There is a type of bacteria that is deadly if they give you something to stop the diarrhea. When my labs came back negative for that bug they finally gave me some Imodium. I was able to hold down my food. Saturday was spent laying in bed recovering and today I came home.

    I am exhausted but I am alive. The Hospital staff told me that I could easily have died since my kidneys had shut down. The staff of the Sunbury Community Hospital and the Liverpool EMS really saved my life. I am convinced of it. Doc says I suffered form the effects of a virus, dehydration, diabetes all coming together that shut my kidneys down. Praise God for the first responders, doctors, nurses, Amy, and all who intervened. They saved my life.


    Some will call me a "Drama Queen" as before on this board. So be it. They too shall get their own medicine one day. To those who genuinely care I say thank you! I am at home now recovering.Very hoarse voice, sore throat and sore abdominal muscles from all of the vomiting. Feel like a limp rag doll, exhausted but oh so glad to be alive.

    God Bless,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    Wow! That sounds like a very close call and a terrible experience. I'm glad that you were able to get medical attention on time and that you're feeling better. Were they able to determine what type of virus it was that hit you so quickly? Jim Smith

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Kapaa, hawaii
    Blog Entries


    scary story!!
    Very glad it had a good ending!
    Dont be so stubborn next time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Littleton, Colorado
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    Glad you are still here to be called a drama queen. The same could be said about me at times but I know exactly how you feel! I did it to my poor Oncologist just this morning.

    Get well, quick!

    Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mountain Home Ar


    Just a reminder, my wife said she just had the Flu and wouldn't let me call 911. When I had enough I called 911. Too late, it was a perforated ulcer. I still miss her. When in doubt, call 911 no matter what the spouse says.

  6. #6


    Eric,Good to hear your better.Take care and get well.Ray

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    walnutport, pa


    good to see your still with us.... ive learned not to mess around when something isn't right....

    everyone gets heartburn right? well... if you have unexplained heartburn more than twice a month, (unexplained meaning you didnt eat tai food earlier) you could have esophagealitis(?spelling?) i spent 3 days in ICU last new years because the acid erosion in my throat was so bad my esophagus and stomach didnt feel like being attached anymore..... yeah, heartburn.... and just the other day, i had something called a "ocular migraine," basically see a oil slick colored lightning bolt flashing in your vision, couldn't read, heck, couldn't see for that matter.... thank god there wasn't any "retinal detachment" with it..... bless my wife for making me frequent the doctor....

    i propose a toast to all who dedicate their lives to keeping us breathing day in and day out!
    if every cast caught a fish, it would be called "catching" not "fishing"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I am really glad you are on the mend. There were 2 parts to your post I really liked. One was you are getting better and the second part was, " I heard this loud, deep, commanding voice tell me to let her call 9-1-1"!

    Take care please and stay in touch.....
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pottsville,PA., USA


    Best Wishes........ Get Well soon.
    Tight Lines......
    John } aka: Quill gordon

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Harrisburg, PA, USA


    Wow, glad to hear you are ok now, scary stuff!!


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