Didn't think there could be a fly much uglier than the Grumpy Frumpy, but this may top it. What it lacks in looks it makes up in visibility, unsinkability and (fish liking)ability, at least among the local panfish population; I'll be giving it a shot on some coldwater streams in a few weeks although it may be a bit early for attractor season. Red and black used here because they were the first 2 strips I pulled that happened to be the right width; change colors as your mood, or the bug you?re trying to imitate, suits.

hook - Dai Riki 320 #12
thread - UTC 140 red
tail - moose body hair
back- 2mm foam black & red
body - Ice Dub red
wing - Congo Hair white
hackle - grizzly
legs - rubber medium white barred

Part 1

mash barb and attach thread at 60% mark

clean, stack and measure (hook shank) a clump of moose body hair

tie in hair, trim butts, cover with thread

tie in top foam strip (hook gap width)

tie in mid foam strip

dub body

pull foam strips forward and tie down