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Thread: Finally Going Fishing! How about you?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Borger, Texas

    Default Finally Going Fishing! How about you?

    Hi All,

    The avid fishermen I have talked to have said that they haven't really done any good yet, but I am going to give it a try because they have all said that it is about time for it to start.

    I have tied up some large, by my standards anyway being fundamentally a panfish fly fisherman, streamers to try. They are basically 4" Murray Marauders.

    I hope to try for some walleyes if I can't catch any crappies, thus the relatively big streamers. Not catching crappies is normal for me, and when I fish for walleyes I generally catch a white bass or two, sometimes more if it is a good day.

    At any rate, how about you all, have you been out and did you do any good? As they say, a poor day fishing beats a good day working....



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Well "G",
    NEVER too early to fish....MAYBE too early to catch!
    Susan and self went to L. Sonoma yesterday. Mission was to find some crappie for dinner. Tried a couple spots. Nada. Probably due more to improper presentation than anything else. Wandered to the back of a small arm and spy'ed some LM's searching for beds. WASTED quite a bit of time pestering them unsuccessfully. When we moved slightly to pester some BG's that we saw, the LM's seemed to follow....I swear they were reading the side of the canoe. Tried chironimides, scuds, soft hackles, damsels, and tiny surf-candies.....no BG's. Right after loading up the canoe, some fish started busting bait on top in the water out from the ramp.....of course NOT within casting range.
    Had a hoot anyway!
    ....lee s.

  3. #3


    Been out three times so far this spring: Wednesday, yesterday and today. Beautiful weather, but with 30-35 degree nights, fish seem to still be pretty deep. No luck on any trips.

    Tried a bead-headed soft hackle today sunk on the bottom for 20 seconds with two light pulls, then another 10 second wait. Helped me to try something new. Wish I could find some carp, but probably still too cold.
    All men are equal before fish.

    -Herbert Hoover

    Spare Time for Fish

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Minneapolis, MN


    I am dying to get on the water. My season doesn't open for two more weeks. I'm going nuts tying leaders on the couch. I don't care if I catch anything, I just want to be out there!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Maine, Now I've retired to North Carolina (just south of Fayetteville)


    Well I got out yesterday, and was chasing trout. Weather was real nice ( for this time of year in Maine ) And I couldn't believe I got two smallies, in a place I have never seen them in. So I ATE them. lol lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Jackson, MI


    And here I've been fishing, off-and-on, for weeks. Been catching nice numbers of BG on scuds, Olive or Orange. I've even had some take a swipe at a Deer Hair Caddis that I'm using for an indicator.

  7. #7


    I have been fishing everyday since Wednesday. In that time, the local ponds have gone from 70% ice-covered to no ice. I've caught @ 50 crappies and @ 40 bluegills. Almost all of those hit a chartreuse microjig about 18"-24" beneath an indicator, fished within 20' of shore. Fishing deeper produced no fish.
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Borger, Texas


    Hi All,

    Well had a good time practicing casting, but no strikes.

    Some bait fishermen caught a small number of very small channel cats. However, like me, the hardware guys never caught anything that I saw either.

    Wasn't my evening.



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Susan and self went to the river today to get our fix. Pestered a bunch of hatchery smolts. Saw several spent fish and one fresh fish was reported to have been lost. Maybe we'll have time to do a proper crappie chase next week.
    ....lee s.

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