
You can have compatibility issues with nail polish, so check before you use it a lot. I've had mixed results with it, so I don't use it anymore. That being said, lots of folks do just fine with it.

You don't have to use Epoxy. It's the 'best' out there, but there are some issues with it like yellowing, the mixing/working time involved, and requiring a turning device to get the best results. You alos have to deal with the 'weight' issue with epoxy. It's all 'solids' once cured so it does add considerable weight to a bait.

They make a clear acrylic that is compatible with your acrylic paint. Most craft stores sell it. Look carefully and you'll see a small section of clear coatings in gloss, semi, and matte.

Another product that makes a good one part finish for poppers is Fabric Fusion. Again available at the craft store. Walmart also sells it. You can brush a thin coat onto your acrylic painted body AFTER it has cured 24 hours. This stuff is self leveling and won't sag if you use a thin coat. Doesn't yellow and is plenty durable for most applications. It's also very light.

I tend to go with addage to 'use what you have'. Any of the above will work, and if all you ae going to do is throw them into the water hoping a fish chomps on them, it's not all that critical how well the finish holds up after a fish or ten. You can always make more, and that's fun too!

Good Luck!
