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Thread: new vice?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Arcata/Redding California USA

    Default new vice?

    Hey all, reintroduction? Name is Blaine and used to be on FAOL forum/chat all the time in my days as a college student sitting at my desk with my homework covered in feather trimmings, hair, dubbing, and dozens of miscellaneous flies created to target the elusive coastal steelhead. Anyhow I have since graduated from HSU and moved to the town of Weaverville along the Trinity River. Anyhow I?m still a fishing nut and am looking for a new vice?. I think? Currently I?m using a regal knock off that I bought off eBay ten years ago for about $35. It holds hooks down to size 18 or so. I want to know the advantages to rotary vices, and if they are worth it. I would classify myself as a pretty good fly tier but not an expert by any means. Most of the flies I tie are nymphs but dries occasionally. Anyhow what are your thoughts/recommendations?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia



    Welcome back. I had a Regal for many years and loved it; then my neighbor sold me his Renzetti Traveler back in '97 when he bought a Presentation; best $50 I ever spent. It does everything I need a vise to do; I use it for everything from #24 midges to 3/0 saltwater flies. Whichever vise you decide to go with, I'd suggest you find a shop to look one over if possible; taste in vises is very personal and you should check one out to see if it's what you want.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Kapaa, hawaii
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    Most tiers who have rotary vises don't even tie in rotary mode.
    If cost is an issue and you really don't tie rotary, don't overlook the Xuron vise. It is an old design now manufactured again. It allows for easy movement of the jaws for inspection while tying and is built like a rock.
    If you google Xuron Vise, you will see it. I think it is only $129 and will last a lifetime.
    Last edited by Byron haugh; 03-19-2013 at 06:40 PM.

  4. #4


    Well, welcome back, Blaine. I do seem to recall your name popping up here several years ago. Weaverville is a town I always look forward to visiting. Maybe because I love fishing the Trinity so very much.

    As for your vise question, is your current vise failing? Or are you just ready for an upgrade? What features do you think you'd like in your next vise?

    As Byron stated, most people here will tell you that they only use the rotary function to inspect the other side periodically. Most non-rotary vises will still allow you to rotate the jaws for to inspect the fly.

    I'd look at some other features just as much as the question of "rotary vs non-rotary." Consider the size range you'll typically tie. The jaws on any good quality vise should handle the middle ground (#4-18.) just fine. If you do much of your tying outside that range, some vises have jaws (or offer additional jaws) that perform better than others. Also think about the method of closing the jaws. Some people really enjoy the spring jaws of Regals. Others want a cam closure. Then there are still others that are perfectly happy with a screw action. Don't forget ergonomics and comfort. Finally, consider the service that you'll get from the maker. At some point, you may have a part wear or break. Break a screw, and one company will sell you a repair kit for $10, another company will send one free of charge no questions asked, and another company is defunct.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Arcata/Redding California USA


    To answer a few questions. My current vice is working fine. Just thinking of upgrading to have a spare vice around for visiting friends to use on those late night beer drinking fly tying sessions. I normally am tying on hooks between a #16 and #12 but on the rare occasion I will tie some smaller flies to size 20 and some bigger saltwater flies to 1/0, 2/0, and 3/0 (I cant remember which is biggest of those). Byron that Jay-Vice is really cool I'll have to look into that some more. Also need to watch some YouTube videos on rotary tying to see if I'm interested in it, as well as secure the funding to purchase then new vice... wife says I need a side job to support my hobbies. The good part is my side job is me jumping in the local river with a wet-suit mask and snorkel "lure diving" and then selling the lures on eBay (I made $350 last year doing that in about 4 hours diving). I did try sniping for gold but it was just to much work and not much profit.... fun nonetheless.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Arcata/Redding California USA


    This is from one evening diving. only about 1/4 of the lures I found last fall. The darn poaching snaggers use all this crap to snag the salmon illegally and snag the bottom in the process in one of the local salmon holes.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Chicago, Il, USA



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    That is a nice haul of lures. I have a similar accumulation of bass lures taken off limbs while float tubing but it took me about 15 years to get that many. Everytime the question of which vise comes up I quote the review below. They do give points to the attractiveness of the packaging and directions, which would not change my mind one way or the other.

    One vise they do no review is the Norvise. I don't have one, cannot say I really need or even want one, but no one on this bulletin board (that I know of) has ever commented about wishing they had not spent the money for it.

    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Northern California



    Congratulations on finishing school. I've got to say I envy where you ended up. There is a lot of great fishing in that area. May well see you on the water some day.

    As far as vises, if your current vise is working fine, and finances are tough, then you have answered your own question. If your old vise is starting to lose its charm, or the jaws aren't holding as well as they used to, then by all means get a rotary vise. What it boils down to is while all vises can achieve the same goal, a rotary vise, especially a true rotary vise, has more versatility than a non-rotary vise. Even if you do not use the feature every fly, some do, some don't, you will have the ability to move beyond what a normal non-rotary vise can do when it suits you.

    If you search the archives, you will find an endless number of threads on this. Do some research and make up your mind based on what you can afford. Good luck.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada


    Advantages of using a RotaryVise
    • You can see all sides of the fly (wing attachment etc.)
    • You can see the exact place you are applying material
    • Wraps are more even
    Material Handling
    • The material stays in one hand
    • Tension on the material remains constant
    • The material tends to twist less
    • The material tends to break less
    • It is easier to un-wrap material
    • You don't have to cut material short to handle it - thus more is saved for next time.
    • The tying should go faster.

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