In five week's we'll be having the time of our lives on the Au Suable River in Grayling, MI. Ohiotuber has some of his world famous Briscuit in the works. Deleo has his world famous Biscuits and Gravy on the menu (I think I'll be on KP all week!!) Karla Anderson is on tap for the best Potato Salad this side of the Mississippi! JC will be helping us with our casting problems as well as a slide show presentation of his many years of fly fishing experiances. Eric Austin will be giving fly tying lessons.
Oh, Yeah!! There will be some great fishing too!!
Jack Leech still has some rooms open at Wyandotte Lodge if you need a place to stay.
I'll be at Kneff Lake on the 9th to get a head start!!
Ya All Come on Over, Ya Hear!!

Don't forget the Michigan Fish-In August 14th to the 20th. The Holy Water's of the Au Sable await you!!
