Wow! That's a lot of great information. I'm really excited about the trip. I appreciate all the comments and suggestions. You've all been very helpful. I get the feeling that the options and choices are nearly overwhelming. I could easily get there and be paralyzed with indecision regarding which river to fish. I continue to consider a 1/2 day guided trip - if for no other reason than to be able to focus on the fishing and not have to make any other decisions. I also think I'll spend some time on Flat Creek as Betty suggested, mostly because it is so close and will have just opened up during my time there. I'm pretty used to fishing gin clear, slow spring creeks here in PA so I hope my presentation skills are up to the task.

If by any chance any of you happen to find yourselves in that neck of the woods between 7/31 and 8/4 I'd be happy to spend some time on the water with you. Drinks afterward are on me.
