When I've examined the stomach contents of trout (ones I've eaten), I note that the scuds have turned white. The dead ones in the river are rusty, tan, or pale off-color turning white (netted). So I plan to so a series of white and off-white scuds. I also need to get a dead white scud to see if it has UV properites, then if they do, tie some with white UV materials.

Fshing scuds is river and location specific. Here, the deeper the better, drifting just along the bottom. So what we normally do is fish a 'chum line', a weighted nymph 1st, then trailing a scud second 18" behind, then another small nymph 18" behind that. Using a strike indicator is a must because there is too mych debris in the river (snags) to drag a dead drift along the bottom.