Hello Warren!

I use a 6wt overlined with an 8wt bass line, a 7ft mono furled leader, and 3 feet of 3x tippet for poppers. The leader is heaver than the ones I use for trout. Sometimes the water is very clear and I am more comfortable with the long leader. I find it turns over the big poppers (size 4 and 2) very well, I have been very happy with that rig. The rod is a tip flex orvis power matrix.

I use my BVK 6wt overlined with a 7wt bass line for crawfish and other subsurface flies. I am still using your fluro leader with that rig! I usually keep 2 rods in my Nucanoe so I can interchange them as needed.

The summer on the Shenandoah chasing smallies is my favorite time to fly fish. I think you will enjoy this type of fishing.

Dont forget the carp! Usually if there are smallies there are carp. Hard to catch, but a blast when you hook one.