That's the link.

This live videofeed of a wild bald eagles' nest is actually only a few miles from my home. I have seen the nest in person and it is really fun to watch! I think it is the father sitting on the nest now, and there are two eggs, but we are expecting a third today!

Last year this pair of eagles successfully fledged three eaglets, who I saw hanging around the nest the other day before the eggs were laid.

The gestation period is about 35 days. I think we are on day #4 or #5.

Here is a screenshot of the webcam from just a few minutes ago:

Screen shot 2013-02-13 at 9.02.07 AM.jpg

And one from a couple days ago showing the eggs!

Screen shot 2013-02-11 at 2.08.37 PM.jpg

On the webcam there are three choices for video feed quality - so if you are worried about streaming the video, picking a lower quality could speed things up.

