
Your advice is spot-on, as usual. Trying to track anything at this point would be impossible, especially given the passage of time and the distance between where I sit and the state in which the drug-ring called "home." This collection of scum crossed enough state lines to make it a sure bet that my chances of recovering anything are small to none. And so, I concentrate on my mystery packages, such as the one that arrived here from the awe-inspiring confines of Colorado. For it and its content, a BIG thank you goes out from snowy northern Michigan...

I believe that a man or woman's life is divided into three categories of memories: The Good Ones-- those you hold onto with an iron-fisted grip to help you through the tough times (my time with our two late daughters, beating cancer and getting my eyesight back come to mind); The Bad Ones-- those you'd rather forget except for the perspective that they give you upon reflection; And, last, The In-Betweeners-- those reminders of people, places and events that chafe at your backside like a day-old tick bite that eventually will heal... with time.

In my time here on FAOL, I've been blessed with nothing but a generous helping of the "Memories" category #1-- The Good Ones. People from here to there have rallied to our aid in ways that speak volumes about FAOL and its members. Some have given far more than they ever received from me, and it's a privilege to be part of this family. The past few weeks have shown me once again how tight the fly-fishing community really is, and that the phrase "helping thy neighbor" isn't just a thing of the past.

Full closure regarding the break-in will come, as I'm already trying hard to push it well back into the distant memories. Still, if I could recover only one or two things from the break-in, it would be the two older Orvis Superfines given to me by my late daughters, Lauren and Laramie. Everything else was/is replaceable...

As for life around here? It's slowly returning to normal, with a comfort factor that has been increased by the arrests. Time will heal the wounds, and the process has begun for me via my "mystery care packages." What a great distraction they've been...

Thank you all for caring, and being willing to share so much of "you" with me and "the girls..."

Jerry, aka hairwing530