A downsized steelhead skater. Gonna hit some blue lines in 2 weeks; full of stupid cutts that love orange.

hook - Dai Riki 280 #10
thread - UTC 6/0 pumpkin orange
tail - golden pheasant tippets
rib - Flashabou gold
abdomen - dubbing orange
wingpad/head - 2mm foam orange
thorax - deer hair spun/clipped
feelers - deer hair tips

Part 1

mash barb, start thread, wrap to point above barb

cut out center stem of GP feather

fold together, measure (gap width past bend), tie in/trim butts

tie in rib

dub abdomen up to 60% mark

counterwrap rib; tie off/trim

tie in foam strip (1/2 gap width)

clean/trim a bunch of deer hair and spin