... emerged this morning from some thoughts about this guy from yesterday afternoon ...

While this Duck's fly is pretty much a size down and color change from the Green Drake from last summer, there are two significant differences. Since spinner wings are virtually invisible, and the legs are very prominent, I decided to do a basic parachute in white hackle and the legs in brown hackle. And this fly has no tails, ala the Duck's BWO.

Both hackles were tied in after posting a white antron post. The white hackle was tied in first and secured to the post. Then the brown hackle was tied in, finishing the tie in in front of the post. After wrapping and tying off the basic parachute as usual, the brown hackle, stripped on one side to keep it sparse, was wound forward through the white parachute hackle. The brown hackle was trimmed close to the underside of the shank.

Started fishing this fly on my home water about 3:45 P.M. this afternoon. A couple minutes later this guy got the action started ...

... and then it was an hour and a quarter of almost nonstop catching and releasing, with one break to tie on a fresh fly after I had to snip one that was taken pretty deep off. By the time I finished up the afternoon with this fishy ...

... I had about twenty fishies in hand and released a few more at long distance.

Quite a successful first outing for this version of a furled extended body 9DH hackled no tails mayfly.
