Most of us know that Al Cambell left us with a wealth of knowledge and information. So, do the rest of you find yourself doing the same thing I do? I will remember something specific that Al wrote about in one of his columns. I will find it in the archives and then spend the next hour re-reading a BUNCH of his columns. So, tell the truth, the rest of you do the same thing, right?

For those of you who might be new here, from the main menu, click on FEATURES, the click on AL CAMPBELL. If you haven't read Al's stuff, you're in for a treat. If you're an old timer here and haven't read some of Al's columns lately I highly recommend it. Spending some time with Al is almost as good as going fishing.

I was fortunate enough to visit with Al a couple of times in Rapid City before his untimely passing. WHAT A GREAT GUY! I sure miss him.