Quote Originally Posted by EdD View Post
OK Betty... lessee... bar or box of Cheez-Its? Which would YOU "rise" to?
(If you start rising to chartreuse boxes of Cheez-Its I'll know you've become a true, warm water angler at heart.)
If the trip is going to be extended I might pack a ham and cheese sandwich, with tomater if in season, and some jalapeno jack cheezits along with my bottle of water and a trail mix bar. If only 4 - 6 hrs. a trail mix bar and a couple of bottles of water. I think I share the joys of passing out the next morning in the gym locker room from dehydration from not drinking enough water the day before while fishing. When you find yourself face down on the floor and you don't remember how you got there, it sticks in the memory. Bottled water river temperature, shaken.