Guess it is time to get on my soap box here. I think Chris put it best on one of the threads on this forum as I paraphrase him in saying if the rod feels good to you than that is most important. The beauty of Tenkara and any Fly Fishing for that matter is that it is similar but yet very different for each and every individual person who enjoys this wonderful recreation. From what I have read from a few people is that their favorite rods to use are what might be considered non traditional Tenkara rods. To me understanding the history behind Tenkara Fishing is more valuable and important than are you using a pure Tenara rod or not. If you can appreciate the history and embrace new innovations, which come from new explorations, then Tenkara and or fly fishing in general will be much better off. I am a relative newbie to Tenkara bu love and embrace its history, but more importantly its future. I hope to part of those who help innovate in this deeply rich sport in the years to come.
