I went in to the clinic the next morning. Sadly, because of another very embarrassing incident I have gotten a tetanus within the last 5 years

I actually pushed the hook as far as I could with the fly in tact then clipped the hook as far up the bend as I could. Then I clipped a pliers on it and pulled..and pulled and pulled and pulled...for probably close to 30 of just pulling. I couldn't get the barb to poke out of my skin.

I generally fish with barbless (well, hooks with smashed barb) hooks. This one had been smashed but it wasn't all the way down, so when I tried to pull it out the way it came I had a second of intense stinging/burning. It was significantly less painful even though it took a total of 45 minutes to push it out than it was for that split second of pulling.

I thought for sure I was going to be really sore in the morning, but I actually can't feel it much at all. Only if I really push on it it's a little tender. I have a pretty good bruise though.