For me its all about balance. I once built a 9' 9wt glass rod and over did the guides (3 strippers, one extra guide and all over sized). The rod was beautiful but was the worst rod I ever cast. I couldn't understand it until a "Old Timer" came over and showed me the outfit was "Top Heavy". He then proceeded to show me how I could add weights to the center of my Pflueger reel to balance the outfit.

He showed me how I should be able to balance the outfit on my index finger and be able to turn my hand and have the rod positioned ready to cast. The fulcrum was pretty much on the handle at my index finger when holding the rod. He stated that the larger bamboo rods, especially the cheaper ones were top heavy and had to be balanced this way back in the day (By adding weight to the reel). At one time he had been President & CEO of the Montague Rod Company so I listened. I added the weights and sure enough the rod cast fine, but BOY WAS IT HEAVY!!!!

So I completely stripped the rod down and re-built it with fewer and lighter guides, with them positioned so the rod and reel balanced as specified by my friend. Sure enough after the rebuild that rod was one of my favorites. It cast like a dream.