
Took about an eight week beginning fly tyers class several years ago and at the last one the instructor asked what we'd like to learn how to tie. Told him I'd probably do best nymphing so he had me tie a Prince Nymph. That was the first one I fished from the group we tied and it was successful right away. Always have a few where ever I go and use them often; especially if there's no action on what I start out with. Guess you could say it's one of my go to flies. Suspect the places you fish and maybe size of the waters may have something to do with it too. I've got to start trying to use more dry flies. Found an old dirty fly in among my dad's stuff several years after he passed away. It simply consisted of yellow and brown feathers roughly tied (he didn't tie though) in a sort of streamer style. There was no body or dubbing of any sort, just the two colors of feathers. Suspect a fishing buddy of his tied it. Anyway, decided to replicate it one day and didn't try it till one clear, hot June day with low water and nothing biting for about three hours. out of frustration tied one one and about 30 minutes later had caught three rainbows and a good sized brown. Fished it down and let it swing across then stripped it straight back upstream. All four fish were hooked well in the upper lip. They all nailed it like they hadn't eaten in a week too. Sometimes it seems like frustration works out for the best. decided to call it my "Frustration" fly!!!