Unfortunately, Pebble Mine cannot be beaten by public opinion at this time. The company has been given the right to apply for the permit. If the permit details are in order and the company can convince the state of Alaska that they can do it with a reasonable chance of success and without a probability of catostrophic harm they will get the permit.

If they are shut down before the permitting process the monies spent by the company to apply will have to be paid back by the State.

The hope is the permit application will be lacking in several important ways and rejected. That takes time. Rumor has it the EIS will be the largest ever assembled...

I am entirely opposed to the mine for a lot of reasons centered on a simple risk:reward ratio but covering a lot of the idea of the monster earthen dam(s) in active seismic areas... It is a bad idea and several responsible companies studied it and spent a lot of money on it before deciding it could not/should not be done...