What would you all think about having a benefit for hairwig, in order to help pay for some of his cancer treatment bills? What we could do is place up some items for sale, keeping in mind that it is for a benefit so, retail prices would be out. The items would be bought by members of FAOL and all proceeds go to a paypal account or some form of payment directly to Jerry. Details could be worked out amongst us.

I have a few items I would be willing to put up to start this benefit.

1. Eagle Claw 2pc. 5/6wt. cherry reel seat "Featherweight" I think it is 7.5 or 8' long-NEW
2. Eagle Claw 4pc. 5/6wt spin/fly rod 8'-NEW
3. Phflueger Medalist 1494-1/2
3. Old SA reel with line
4. Alum. rod tube and new sock
I'm sure I have more stuff laying around not being used. If there is any interest in doing this, I will move my post to the FS section and put it under a benefits post or something. What do you think Administrators? Is this doable?