Well, I've been accused as being a jealous man.

This starts because the state of PA is thinking about making a certain stream that is already delayed harvest/atificial only,into having baitfishermen use the stream and catch/keep some trout. Anyone familiar with PA rules understand what this entails. For those who don't: you are allowed to fish these areas all year long but you can keep 3 trout between June 15 to sept 1. You must use flies or artificails--spinners,etc to fish these streams.
Anyway, it is figured out that 98% of the open waters in PA is open to all. Only 2% of the waters in the entire state is either fly fishing only or DHAO. That's it.
I've made the statement that if you want to fish these areas,pick up a fly rod..Well one guy that uses a spinner says he wants to fish the FFO area and don't think it's right that he can't---hey use a fly rod. Besides I say, to me, fishing is about being outside,not catching.
Wll, he didn't like that comment and says that my statement was "hollow" and that I must be jealous. Now this guy comments that he catches several thousand fish a year. Thats fine with me.
Why call me jealous????

Am I wrong? Is there jealousy in my statment?