Hi Chris;

It's actually an old clarifier tank that we use for emergency firefighting water. A while back, we drained out a sediment basin prior to cleaning and there were some bluegill in it. We felt sorry for them and threw them in the clarifier tank. they grew to enormous size before they bred. Now there's a ton of them that I catch and release in the local creek every spring.

The Tanago rod was perfect for this. Unfortunately I left my line at home but had a 9ft leader with me and substituted that. The leader was a bit stiff but worked. The rod is very sensitive, I was basically sight fishing and was able to set the hook before the fish could swallow it deep, most were lip hooked something I'd never been able to accomplish with bluegills in the past. The fish were 4-5 inches long and put a good bend in the rod but it has the ability to deal with much stronger fish.

Overall I'm quite pleased with the rod and can't wait to try it with a proper line setup and on the quarry I originally intended it for brook trout in remote creeeks.
