Yes, that is definitely a different shelf liner material! The material I saw demonstrated at the fly clinic was the Easy Liner and the instructions I posted are based on that. When you pull the nubs off, you end up with two tags on each end that look very much like thread, not like rubber nubbins. sorry I can't post pictures to help y'all here.

I have a swap set up with a friend who wants some of these ants, so I've now tied a few. I'm getting results that would work for a trout, but not yet perfect enough to swap with a friend.

I could not find brush bristles that worked like the ones I saw demonstrated, so I'm substituting mini Centipede Legs. I can get the proportions right on #12 and #14 1X long hooks. I haven't figured out yet how to get the segments looking right, but not covering the eye, on a shorter hook. And I've learned that, if you don't trim off the side connections left over when you cut off a strip of the liner to get a very close trim, you will end up with ugly stubs extending from the body segments. These can be trimmed with your scissors, though, just before you remove the fly from your vise.