I haven't used a power wrapper before but figured it wouldn't hurt to try if I could do it cheap enough. The foot pedal works pretty well on this one and if I need to, I can put the big pulley on it to slow it down a bit.

Betty where is that face you are talking about? I got a pile of Cr*p on that bench but I don't remember leaving part of anyone's face on it. If you look closely, you will see parts of 3 different rods on the table. The Sage to the left in the first picture on the stand alone supports is brand spanking new. The guy sent it to me along with a Struble D-21 Titanium seat and fighting butt to have the factory ones replaced. The new ones are on it in that picture. Way up in the upper left is the tip of a spinning rod I am building for a benefit next month for one of the ladies at the Post who was in a bad car wreck. The Denver Bronco Cheerleaders are supposed to be there and I really hope I can look them in the eyes to ask for pictures. (fat chance) There is another rod there that is in it's sock on the far end that I am freshening up for sale.

This sure is a fun way to make a living even if I am so broke I can't pay attention.