Nice article, but I disagree with most of it. Take the last quote:

"The sport of angling used to be a genteel business, at least in the world of ideals, a world of ladies and gentlemen. These have been replaced by a new set of paradigms: the bum, the addict, and the maniac. I'm afraid that this says much about the times we live in. The fisherman now is one who defies society who rips lips, who drains the pool, who takes no prisoners, who is not to be confused with the sissy with the creel and the bamboo rod. Granted he releases that which he catches, but in some cases, he strips the quarry of its perilous soul before tossing it back in the water. What was once a trout – cold, hard, spotted, and beautiful – becomes number seven."

The first sentence starts out lamenting that angling was once the realm the wealthy, privelaged class "the genteel...a world of ladies and gentlemen", but now is enjoyed by the unwashed masses "the bum, the addict and the maniac". I would say these describe those that are passionate about the sport. He goes on with his lament to that "the fisherman is now one who defies society... who takes no prisoners", while the truth is the most anglers have the utmost respect for the resource. It is the modern angler that stand in the way of the destruction of streams. While he grants that "he releases what he catches" he twists that into a perverted act. Nevermind that in the time he misses most of the catch was quickly dispatched with a priest. Catch and release was actually popularized by the country bumpkins who entered bass fishing tournaments (gasp!).

You are more than welcome to fish your bamboo and wear a tweed coat, but I will take the progress myself.